Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Encounter#2: Allergy and Air Purifier - Week 10 (Mar 19, 2010)

Every year, every march, I usually have a pollen allergy. My immunoglobulin E responded to pollen allergy it was showing symptoms like sneezing and itching eyes. I used to take over-the-counter allergy medication such as Zyrtec or Claritin. These allergy medications work for temporarily and I did not cure an allergy. Few days ago, I found out that unfamiliar appliance was standing on the living room. It looked like usual cubic box. It was air purifier called IQAir. Since my mom heard about this air purifier from other church member she bought this for family because my dad has asthma and my mother and I has pollen allergy. It worked very well as it advertised that allergen control, light molecular control, light odor control, and complex air pollution control. I could breathe freely and satisfied. If you have a severe pollen allergy and asthma symptom like my family, I suggest you to clean the air quality of your room by vacuum and air purifier.

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